Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dr. Malveaux

Dr. Julianne Malveaux is onto something. Normally, I am not a big follower of hers, but she has spoken up for a bailout for students (

The concept is something like this: carmakers and banks are getting bailouts to keep from going under - why not students? Home-buyers are getting payouts and renegotiated lower interest rates - why not extend the same to students? I agree with the good Doctor that we students need 1% loans, more time to repay our loans, and higher Pell Grants. Go, Dr. Malveaux, GO!!!

Oh, one more thing. I think it's really, really, really MEAN that Dr. Malveaux recently said this about Barack Obama:

"I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease. "

What - you don't believe that an educated black woman in the public eye would say that about a prominent African American in today's society?

Well, I lied......a little bit. Dr. Malveax actually did offer those same intentions, but for a different prominent African-American, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (

Hmmm. Maybe, seeing how mean-spirited Dr. Malveaux can really be, I should look for college funding assistance elsewhere...

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