Thursday, October 2, 2008

Feeding the Hogs

How is it, friends and foes, that we are giving our money to the very people that caused our economic troubles, in order that those people might "fix" the trouble?

How is it, friends and foes, that the people that killed the messenger in 2001, 2004, and 2005 when warned of Fannie and Freddie improprieties, are today trying to escape all blame for the debacle? Why aren't Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, and Chris Dodd being investigated? Where are the calls to see Maxine Waters "frog marched out of the Congress"?

How is it, friends and foes, that a bill that is rammed down our throats as an "emergency measure" intended to fend off economic collapse has billions and billions of pork barrel spending added to it to convince reluctant representatives to even vote for it?

How is it, friends and foes, that the very folks that called again and again for reform of Freddie and Fannie in 2001, 2004, and 2005 are ignored and even excoriated for somehow being implicit in the collapse of these entities? George Bush, John McCain, and a host of other Republican lawmakers warned loudly and often of the coming crisis. Their reward was to have voters put Democrats in power in 2006. At the end of the Democrats' reign, the dam burst, we all are soaked, and no one seems to remember who was warning us that this would come to pass. How is this?

How is it, friends and foes, that the American Public would even consider voting for the very people that caused this to happen to us in the upcoming national elections?

We seem to be feeding the hogs.

I am at a loss.

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