Monday, July 20, 2009

So you wanna be a doctor...

Hey, I started late. My 'rents enrolled me in a semester at George Mason in 1976. I didn't want to go, and I was more interested in beer than anything else at the time. I flunked out right away, and mom and dad moved on to the next kid. I was free to do what I liked, and I did, until I had to sober up at the young age of 24.

My older brother Mike convinced me to take a few computer classes in an effort to as he put it: "get my head out of the rock and roll star clouds and get a real job..." (sorry if I misquoted that, Mike, it was a long time ago). I said "with what money?" Well, Mike offered tuition for 2 classes as a gift, and that seed money turned out to be very valuable. I decided to get an associate degree in computer information systems. I was frustrated that when I scheduled out working full time and going to school at night - the degree would take 6 years. A wise friend of mine told me "so what? 6 years will go by anyway - you may as well be in school". Six years later, almost to the day, I collected an A.A.S. (associate in applied science), magna cum laude.

I also got married, bought a house, and launched a computer career. after a couple years, the school bug bit me again, and I entered an undergraduate program, again in computer information systems. 3 years later, I earned a B.S. in my chosen field. THen I bought a bigger house, and my wife delivered a beautiful baby girl for us. I was out of the education business for 10 years.

A flurry of events coincided to again push me to consider enhancing my education. I chaecked out Masters Degree programs at various schools. What field? I had two degrees in Information Systems, so I decided to go the business route, and chose to go fo rthe MBA. It took 2 years, and I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. The school had no honor society, so I could not tag a 'Magna' or a 'Summa' onto it, but I'm happy none the less that my grades were so good.

The MBA was complete. I had momentum. Should I go for the doctorate? I asked friends and peers. Generally the answer was negative. "It is really tough." "It will strain your marriage." "It is pure insanity." Then there were a few that said - "It is very hard, and it takes a long time. You need support from your family and friends and work. But you CAN do it, and the reward is unmeasurable. It is achievement, awareness, capability, and understanding all wrapped up into one package."

So I aplied for the loans, signed the papers, and enrolled. That was 2 and a half years ago. In another year or year and a half I expect to complete my dissertation, walk across the stage, and get hooded as a doctor of management (DM). It has been tough. Really tough. It has strained my marriage. It has worn my nerves to a frazzle. It has affected my performance on the job. All but my very closest friends and my wife have said "quit, if it's so much trouble!" But I will not. I will finish, and it will be a crowning achievement, in my view.

The few that have continued their support will be listed in my acknowledgements. They are invaluable. As were the ones that advised me: "It is tough, but you CAN do it, and it is worthwhile.". They are my champions and my heroes. They are the people I model myself after. Simply put, I want to be like them. Do you? If you are thinking of a phD or a doctorate, I have this to say: "It is tough. It takes a long time. And it takes away from all other aspects of your life. But you CAN do it. And I believe the results will be worthwhile."

I'll let you know in another year. Until then - pray for me, if you will!

Jimmy Jones

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