Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh, those Clintons

They came out of nowhere freely using donations from communist Chinese through the Lippo Group. Clinton had promised during the campaign not to grant China "most favored nation" status, and mere months after taking office, that is exactly what he did.
To me it signals quid pro quo.

Contributor Huang moved from the commerce department (thus corrupted by Clinton) to a role as fundraiser for the DNC. Huang raised a LOT of money for Clinton from Chinese Americans, and eventually (after LOTS of US taxpayer money was spent trying to chase him down) plead guilty to federal conspiracy charges for campaign fraud.

Neither Clinton has ever been held accountable.

Then there was Whitewater. No trial because there was not enough evidence to convict, although Hillary was mentioned 35 times in partner Webster Hubbell's indictment. Well, never mind that there was missing evidence that turned up AFTER the investigation, that testimony given by all Clinton "participants" in the fraud used the 5th amendment or "I don't recall" to keep from testifying, and that the famous Rose Law Firm records turned up in the White House after the statute of limitations was past. (Hillary said "I can't recall" 250 times during her testimony to congress)

Believe me all you Clinton Fans, it DID drive us crazy on the right, and while you were laughing the rule of law was raped. (And you think we don't know how mad you are that you can't seem to get the goods on Bush no matter how hard you try?). Ha!

Then there was Monica. Even top Democrat Leaders said that if Clinton lied he should resign. Then he didn't. Then they all (and I mean ALL) switched their tune, just so they could stick thumbs in conservative eyes. Well it worked. The man stayed in office.
But really, what was the cost? Really, think it through.

And Hillary came out with her famous "If you see a turtle on a fence post..." speech. And it turned out that the responsible parties for placing turtles on fenceposts were....The Clintons!

Bill lies to us, lies to a grand jury, and is disbarred. And not one Democrat will even scan the piles of evidence gathered for his impeachment. Not one.


There's more. Much more.

Which brings us to today. I thought I was rid of Bill. I thought Hillary would lose to Obama. But now I am not so sure. Hillary's people can imply that Obama dealt drugs, and they get a pass. They can say Obama hasn't done the "spadework" necessary to be president. They get a pass. I can imagine what would have happened to Trent Lott - oh, DID happen to Trent Lott!

And I've tried to navigate Hillary's positions on the Iraq war - it is impossible.

These two are populists and opportunists. They are patently dishonest as well. They corrupt everyone around them, and their greed for power seems to have no constraints. How I wish they would go away, but I fear I must hope to outlast them physically if I am ever to experience that sublime reality.

How's Bill's heart?

(can't ask the same about Hillary, she doesn't appear to have one).

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